Friday, March 1, 2013

Fun Friday!

Here we are again! Another Friday has come and gone!

My week has been hectic! It's been filled with drafting contracts, setting up appointments, crisis managing schedule changes, scheduling new events and finishing some final touches on current events for next week!

It's a little chilly in Florida today but I'm ready for a vacation!

I think we need to kick start the weekend with an ice cream sundae party!

How cute would this be to kick start Spring Break in a few weeks with these fun centerpieces?

I stumbled across this idea while browsing through the Internet and thought that they would be absolutely fabulous for a Spring Break party , an Ice cream Sundae Party or just a plain old pool party.

Carnations are very inexpensive and can sometimes look very, well, you know... ugh...
This however, looks fun, exciting, and makes me think of being at the poolside during summer time snacking on a yummy ice cold vanilla sundae.

Grab some dollar store vases, add some carnations and top it off with a cherry! Viola!

Party Packages start at $75.00
Call or email to book yours today!

Happy Friday!

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